Vets Town Halls > FAQs > Running A Town Hall > What is the VTH position on public gatherings during COVID?

What is the VTH position on public gatherings during COVID?

We at VTH are acutely aware of both the collective national need to gather to process the aftereffects of war, and also the very real threat that such gatherings have posed to the public health over the last year.

With that in mind, our recommendations can be found below. However, each organizer must assess the particular needs and risks in their own community and come to a wise decision about whether such gatherings can safely be held.

There is reason for optimism regarding indoor events this fall: We encourage organizers to plan Vets Town Halls for November 2021, while being aware that the outlook might change. If you’re hosting a Vets Town Hall in a part of the country that is warm enough to gather outdoors on Veteran’s Day, we urge you to consider an outdoor event.

Organizers should follow all CDC guidelines and state and local regulations for running any kind of gathering, indoors or out.

(Last updated 5/17/2021)

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