Speaking at a Vets Town Hall
At a Vets Town Hall, veterans of any era who have served in any capacity have the right to stand before their community and speak for up to ten minutes.
Tell us what your service means to you.
All perspectives are valued. We’re here to listen to whatever you want to say to your community, and to learn about what it was like to serve in the wars that this nation has chosen to fight.
Please tell us about your own experiences, whatever they may be, rather than speaking broadly about an issue or organization. You’re a member of our community, and it’s your stories, reflections, and insights that we’re anxious to hear.
Your talk does not need to be polished or scripted. You’re not here to entertain or impress people, but to share something meaningful. Ideally, try to speak in the way you might if relating your experiences to a spouse, close friend, or family member. Speaking this way can be an act of courage in itself, and of great value to both you and your listeners.
If you’re a veteran who would like to register to speak, you can find information on your local town hall here. Registration is optional, but helps organizers plan.
If you’re considering speaking but prefer not to register, we encourage you to attend. After preregistered speakers go, the host will take speakers from the floor, time permitting. The goal is for every veteran who would like to speak to have a chance to do so.
Of course, veterans (and all community members) are also welcome to simply attend and listen.
Here are some starting points (but don’t feel limited by this list):
- During your military service, what surprised you most about yourself?
- Why did you join?
- What was your hardest day?
- What do you miss?
- Tell us about some of the items, both practical and personal, that you carried with you while on deployment.
- How did you stay in touch with family and friends back home?
- How does your time in the military affect your daily life today?
- When did you leave the military? What was that process like?
- What or who has helped you in the transition from military to civilian life? What has been challenging or surprising about that transition?
- What questions do you wish civilians would ask when they learn that you’re a vet?
You can download a printable VTH speaker info sheet here.
Updated 11/22/21.
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